Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–16
“Because things are the way they are,
things will not stay the way they are.”
—Bertolt Brecht
Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–15
“We must let go of what we have
planned, so as to have the life
that waits for us.”
—E. M. Forster
Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–14
”The more refined and subtle our
minds, the more vulnerable they are.”
—Paul Tournier
Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–13
“Each day is the scholar
of yesterday.”
—Publilius Syrus
Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–12
“Nothing is enough for the man to
whom enough is too little.”
Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–11
Life is not about winning
or losing. It’s about learning
and growing.
Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–10
“I think in terms of the day’s
resolutions, not the years’.”
—Henry Moore
Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–9
“Now and then it’s good to
pause in our pursuit of happiness
and just be happy.”
—Guillaume Apollinaire
Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–8
“We are not permitted to choose
the frame of our destiny. But what
we put into it is ours.”
—Dag Hammarsjkold
Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–7
“All of life is peaks and valleys.
Don’t let the peaks get too high,
and the valleys too low.”
—John Wooden
Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–6
“Every sunset ending
our day, is a sunrise starting
someone else’s day.”
Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–5
“Change is
the end result of all
true learning.”
—Leo Buscaglia
Seeds of Wisdom: Vol 7–4
“The most worthwhile
thing is to try to put happiness
into the lives of others.”
—Robert Baden-Powell