Robert M. Hopkins

Robert M. Hopkins


Sculptures and Installations 

This gallery is currently under construction...please watch your step!

Drum Roll, 1992

Drum Roll, 1992

Collar Form, 1992

Collar Form, 1992

Artist Statement

In my Door-Skin Sculptures, I am pursuing an industrial spareness through exposed wood-and-joinery construction. A working metaphor to describe my objective is that of "stripping-down a couch" — to remove the upholstery and lining in order to expose the underlying, skeletal structure. I like both the directness and open-ended meaning that reduction can impart to form. 

Conceptually, I see this work as referring to contingency and its inherent conflicts — how the things that we "depend" on can also "restrict" us. I am inspired by architectural and mechanical forms because they suggest to me various metaphors of contingency. The use of interior openings — which literally invite viewers to step inside, add an element of playful interaction and physical engagement.

—Robert M. Hopkins